Wednesday, April 1, 2009

tax hell and fool's day

I'm not a big fan of April Fool's Day, never have been. Never ever had the desire to trick anyone and never liked getting tricked. However, now that we have a 4 & 6 year old, I have to play the game and act as if I love it with all my heart. The girls have been talking about it all week, planning their attack on their Daddy. Last night I sat in their room listening to them whisper-giggle idea after idea on what we should do:

"put crackers in his bed!" I don't think he'd like that
"put his belt in the shower?" again, I don't think so
"switch the cereals around?" great, did it with success this morning
"put sugar on the baseball bat?" what the?
"ok, how about hiding the baseball bat and balls in your closet?" sounded great as they play bb outside each evening so this was a definite yes
"put the shampoo in the conditioner bottle?" I vetoed
"hide his keys!"
"tell him it's Friday!"
"put his socks in his, know at the top part so he can't get his feet in, heeheeheehee"...girls after my own evil heart, definitely another yes

This went on until I had to stop it. They're so cute and so excited for the second part of their plan this afternoon. I've been instructed to pick them up early so they have time to execute. We tried to think of some things last night and all we came up with is food coloring in the milk, turn their chairs upside down and put their cereal on a plate with a fork. They thought that was the cat's meow. Success!

It's dreaded tax doing time at our house and I'm so not looking forward to it. Every year we wait until the last minute and every year for the past four we've had to pay money. It's really our least favorite thing in the world, especially since our tax lady is semi-retired and it takes about 3 painful hours to complete.

Since we purchased a home this past year, I'm hoping we bring it home good this year. Lots to pay off and do around the house, so it would be nice. Things have been tough for the past few months so we need a ray of sunshine into our lives. Can I get an amen!

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