Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Death of an eyebrow

For the past year I've been trying to erase scars and minimize lines on my face and neck. I plan to look 40 when I'm 60 and I hope I can afford botox by then. I'm all about keeping it fresh and not against using whatever it takes to keep it tight and right.

There is one thing that cannot be changed, however, and that is the loss of my beautiful bushy eyebrows. Why oh why did I feel the need to start waxing at a young age when I had the Brooke Shields thing going on (actually it was the Brooke Shields brows with a girl mullet). I was self-conscious and saw my sister looking hot with her nice shapely brows (and sweet long, feathered hair, which I was even more jealous of)...I decided I need a change and I will forever regret it. Proof?
Here are my 16 year old brows (hard to see, but we get the picture):

OK...here's some croppage after a few years...not too bad...should've stopped there!

And now...

Please feel free to check out the left eye. We all know the brow should start at the top of the eye...for me, it's about an inch off. And the right eye...the "hair" is pretty much non-existent and stops entirely too short. I've tried to grow it out but baby doesn't want to come back. Nope, only the little jackass hard hairs in the middle that are impossible to get out. I've now been forced to DRAW THEM ON! How sad is that? I promise I'm not picking them out because I love the meth, it's because I got wax and pluck happy with no one telling me I've gotten out of control. Notice the sad look on this face...I'm totally mourning the old brows.
Speaking of drag brows, Monday night came the end to my latest guilty pleasure: RuPaul's Drag Race. I can't explain how much I loved this show!
I have my favorites (Nina) and the bitches I loved to hate (Shannel). These guys are crazy amazing. To become a woman from starting at boy is astonishing. Some looked low class (hello, Akashia) and some were just straight insane (Tammie). The one that I think I want to adopt is Ongina. God I love that little girlboy. If you haven't watched this show, you must. It's on Logo and it's fabulous.
Also, the NY Housewives?
Kelly: hate...why the hell did she sign up for this and who the hell is she? Me no likey.
Bethanney: honey, you need a big dose of confidence. Some of the things she says are really funny, but she take things too seriously at times. The jaw's a bit too big and the body's a bit too little.
Jill: damn, she's looking good!!! I must do more crunches tonight. I wanted the long dress with the red and black.
Countess: favorite...even the husband likes her. I thought she looked MUCH better than Kelly the model did in the grey dress and I want one of those, too.
Ramona: keep the eyes in the socket. Oh, by the way, I think your husband cheats. I do like the cute cross necklace, though.
Alex: dear goodness, stand up straight. Also, please walk a little faster...her saunter is just so damn condescending. Her and the hubby make me laugh (not in a good way).
Simon (the 7th housewife): please lay off. Actually, don't because it's amusing.
I love TV.

1 comment:

  1. I have to draw mine on, too. It's so easy to get carried away, and no one ever told me THEY MAY NEVER GROW BACK. We aren't entering the hairless menopausal years, are we?
    I've heard your hair falls out. Everywhere.
